Number 10 is playing this down, doubtless because they want the glory of announcing it!NEW: Dominic Raab says he expects Brexit deal to be finalised before November 21.— Jack Maidment (@jrmaidment) October 31, 2018
The Brexit Blog
Wednesday 31 October 2018
Deal Done 21 November?
Davis Recants
For the avoidance of doubt I believe the PM will get a deal with the EU but anything based on the Chequers plan or one that keeps us in the Customs Union will not pass the Commons. Time to revert to free trade deal suggested by EU?
— David Davis (@DavidDavisMP) October 31, 2018
Reality Dawns In The EU Bunker
If EU is ready to offer this temporarily for financial services then farmers, growers, truckers will surely be clamouring for the same arrangement at ports
— James Rothwell (@JamesERothwell) October 30, 2018
May Way or No Way!
🚨DD says May will get a deal through EU and Parliament: “Terror will win. The fear of no deal, the irrational fear of no deal, will win. It may take two passes. But it will pass.”— Harry Cole (@MrHarryCole) October 30, 2018
Osborne Admits Project Fear Was Bollocks
Osborne and co were warned at the time the Project fear would backfire, but they failed toheed those warnings because of their arrogance.Osborne says it was wrong to play into sense that Brussels was always wrong and not to talk up positives of immigration #Newsnight - you may be able to hear others involved in Remain campaign at the time banging their heads on brick walls— Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) October 30, 2018
Tuesday 30 October 2018
People Want Brexit, But Not May's Version of Brexit
As per Guido Fawkes a poll carried out by Deltapoll shows that only 26% of people want Brexit to be abandoned altogether.
However there is scant support for May’s current Brexit approach either, with 14% saying she should “go back to the drawing board and come up with a more acceptable plan” and 22% in favour of her leaving without a deal rather than making any more concessions to the EU.
Only 10% support her pressing ahead with Chequers.
Monday 29 October 2018
No Deal Means Extra Budget
— Grunberg and Co (@GrunbergandCo) October 29, 2018
I have no doubt that No Deal would mean an extra Budget. That would be a "give away" Budget as Hammond would need to prime the pumps to keep everything financially afloat.
I guess that's what May meant when she said austerity was over!
Friday 26 October 2018
French Debunk Project Fear
It’s come to something when the French are having to debunk scaremongering from our own politicians.
— Christopher Snowdon (@cjsnowdon) October 26, 2018
There's Irony For You!
Ireland holding referendum today to decriminalise blasphemy as ECHR criminalises religious defamation
— Guido Fawkes (@GuidoFawkes) October 26, 2018
Wednesday 24 October 2018
Carry On Brexiting Forever!
EXCLUSIVE— Sam Coates Times (@SamCoatesTimes) October 23, 2018
** Times sees cabinet papers revealing next stage of brexit Plan
** Brexit transition WILL last for years under TM’s Plan officials say. They warn of “long-running” multi-year transition
** Plan A WILL involve NI in separate VAT area. Officials admit “uncomfortable”.
UK MEPs Checking Their Redundancy Arrangements
One good thing from Brexit, we won't have any more MEPs.Brexit getting very real for UK MEPs - they’re currently in an hour and a half meeting with EU officials about their redundancy arrangements— Luke James (@LEJ88) October 23, 2018
Before you all howl in protest, how many of you know the name of your MEP?
No, I thought not!!!
Brexit Boost For May From Labour
Big Brexit boost for Theresa May on a difficult day. 'Up to 45 Labour MPs could rebel to back Theresa May's Brexit deal, Doncaster MP Caroline Flint claims' By @singharj— Christopher Hope (@christopherhope) October 24, 2018
I will believe it when I see it!
To put this into context, the journalist claimed a few days ago that David Davis was "admired" by some Labour MPs.
Tuesday 23 October 2018
Project Fear Was Bollocks!
Before Referendum (March 2016), OBR forecast £21bn deficit for 2018/19.
— Andrew Neil (@afneil) October 23, 2018
After Ref (Nov 2016) f/cast rose to £46bn.
By 2018 Spring statement, f/cast still £37bn.
In Mon. Budget it will reveal its pre-Ref f/cast was most accurate.
So no Brexit-induced collapse in public finances.
Monday 22 October 2018
Brexiteers To Meet Barnier
It has come to this that members of the governing party are now briefing the EU against their own leader!
There Is No Plan
Friday 19 October 2018
There Will Be NO Hard Border
Juncker & Varadkar Guaranteed to the Irish Parliament No Hard Border in the Event of No Deal— Guido Fawkes (@GuidoFawkes) October 18, 2018
The great lie has finally been exposed by the EU and Ireland.
Thursday 18 October 2018
US Shoots EU's Fox
Christopher Giancarlo, head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, called the EU plans to amend European Market Infrastructure Regulation “unprecedented and wholly unacceptable” and warned they could create “costly burdensome regulatory requirements” in the US.
Mr Giancarlo said that if the EU did not change the existing plans he would have “no choice” but to select from a wide range of actions that includes barring EU banks from using US financial infrastructure such as the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.
Beware The Show of Resistance and a Choreographed Argument
letter yesterday from Boris Johnson, IDS, David Davis, Priti Patel and Jacob Rees-Mogg to the prime minister:
— Jim Pickard (@PickardJE) October 18, 2018
“We urge you not to engage in a show of resistance and a choreographed argument followed by surrender and collapse into some version of the backstop and Chequers....”
Lithuania Nails Brexit!
Lithuania's Prime Minister: “We need a very concrete understanding what the UK really wants. We do not know what they want, they do not know themselves what they really want - that's the problem.”
— Andrew Neil (@afneil) October 18, 2018
In a nutshell.
Wednesday 17 October 2018
US/UK Trade Talks Start One Day After Brexit
Formal talks begin the day "after it exits the European Union on March 29, 2019" #Brexit
— Guido Fawkes (@GuidoFawkes) October 17, 2018
Tuesday 16 October 2018
French Get The Collywobbles!
Châteauneuf Du Pape Rodney!
— Ken Frost (@ken_frost) October 16, 2018
On The Brink?
One ERG source tells @Telegraph: “If the Cabinet does not chuck Chequers I think we will have a vote of no confidence … by this week, next week. We are completely on the brink now."— Christopher Hope (@christopherhope) October 16, 2018
Monday 15 October 2018
May's Freudian Backstop
PM: “When the UK leaves the United Kingdom... er, the EU...”. The most unfortunate of slips, especially when replying to Nigel Dodds.— Tom Newton Dunn (@tnewtondunn) October 15, 2018
No Deal Not That Big a Deal!
Open Europe issuing new report today saying a unilaterally mitigated No Deal scenario would still hit the UK economy but not by much, and much much less than anticipated by Treasury and most external economists:
— Faisal Islam (@faisalislam) October 15, 2018
The EU's Misadvised Strategy
Miscalculations on both sides, but the commission built its strategy (advised by ultra-remainers in the UK) that the talks get to this point and the UK folds and allows the de facto break up of the UK via Northern Ireland. Terrible miscalculation.
— Iain Martin (@iainmartin1) October 14, 2018
Friday 12 October 2018
A Question of Trust
Were Maggie Thatcher alive and handling Brexit, people would trust her to do her best to get as good a deal as possible. Sadly, for us, even if May is doing her best no one trusts her honesty, ability or competence. As such, even with a good deal, she won't be able to sell it!— Ken Frost (@ken_frost) October 11, 2018
Sadly, for the country and for May, I don't think people trust her to keep her word or to mange this well.
Thursday 11 October 2018
Beware Media Hyperbole
'It's all kicking off'
— BBC Politics (@BBCPolitics) October 10, 2018
Wednesday 10 October 2018
Laura Lays Out Brexit Roadmap
1. Today first #pmqs since Salzburg, but really important movement is btw officials behind closed doors this week, shuttling back and forwards btw Brussels and Westminster
— Laura Kuenssberg (@bbclaurak) October 10, 2018
Sheep Slaughter To Appease The Gods of Brexit
the sunny uplands sound great— Jim Pickard (@PickardJE) October 10, 2018
Tuesday 9 October 2018
The Brexit Tunnel
Team Barnier told EU ambassadors on Fri they were entering a "tunnel" for 10 days after which they will emerge with "something" on political declaration/withdrawal agreement. It became something of a meme with diplomats variously mocking or riffing on it round the table #tunnel— Mehreen (@MehreenKhn) October 8, 2018
Monday 8 October 2018
Gove's Treasure Hunt
I see the media are using Gove's idea of looking through rubbish (in order to reduce excess waste) as a post Brexit plan.
As amusing as that is, I am pretty sure this isn't anything to do with Brexit.
Friday 5 October 2018
Unilever To Stay In London
The Remain campaign loved this one. This morning? Not so much.
— Darren Grimes (@darrengrimes_) October 5, 2018
Unilever scraps plan to move HQ from London after huge investor backlash: Unilever's decision to remain in the FTSE 100 will be seen as a boost for the London stock market:
Thursday 4 October 2018
The Irish Problem Is Now Everyone's Problem
When you boil #Brexit down, a lot of it is about borders...
— BBC News (UK) (@BBCNews) October 4, 2018
A thread 👇
A #RealityCheck article 👉
Wednesday 3 October 2018
Italy Stands Up To The EU
Matteo Salvini to the EU: I talk to sober people who don't make false comparisons. The President of the European Commission should drink two glasses of water before opening his mouth to speak—stop spreading nonsense about Italy or we will ask for damages.
— Alana Mastrangelo (@ARmastrangelo) October 2, 2018
Tuesday 2 October 2018
Chuck Chequers
‘Chuck Chequers” sounds like an American TV action hero from the 1980s.
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) October 2, 2018
Boris To Delay Brexit
Excl: Boris tells senior Tories he would delay Brexit by six months if he can topple Theresa May;
— Tom Newton Dunn (@tnewtondunn) October 1, 2018
Monday 1 October 2018
Dominic Raab Nails It!
The post Brexit "problems" are not rooted in the laws of physics (eg if we throw a ball into the air it will return to earth), but are rooted in manmade bureaucracy (which can be changed at the stroke of a pen).UK Brexit Secretary Dominic Raab on No Deal: 'They claim planes will be grounded and ports will be blocked. Let's have some common sense here. Why would any of those things happen unless someone decided to make them happen?'#CPC18— Olly Barratt (@ollybarratt) October 1, 2018
These problems will cease to exist if people wish them to cease!